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Why We Love Essential Oils

Maybe you’ve heard something or other about essential oils. Maybe you’ve found yourself down a rabbit hole on WebMD, or maybe you’ve visited a friend’s house with a slight head cold and returned with a smear of eucalyptus on your forehead and a sense of healing… or, maybe this isn’t you at all! Maybe you’ve never heard of aromatherapy or essential oils. Regardless, don’t fret. We’re going to tell you all about it!

Maybe you’ve heard something or other about essential oils. Maybe you’ve found yourself down a rabbit hole on WebMD, or maybe you’ve visited a friend’s house with a slight head cold and returned with a smear of eucalyptus on your forehead and a sense of healing. Maybe your mother lent you her essential oil diffuser to cure your acute insomnia. 

Or, maybe this isn’t you at all. Maybe you’ve never heard of aromatherapy or essential oils. Regardless, don’t fret. We’re going to tell you all about it (of course, only if you’re willing. If not, chacun son goût). 

What is Aromatherapy? 

Aromatherapy, in short, is the century-old practice of using natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. It’s a way of returning to our roots, quite literally, and the science behind it is quite simple. 

When left to grow organically, plants produce essential oils with strong, anti-microbial properties that ward off pests, bacteria, viruses – the works. What’s incredible is that these same oils can be used to make our human bodies healthier as well. 

Pranarōm, then, is one of the best. They’re a certified essential oil company whose oils are sustainably harvested from organic plants. Organic and sustainable, always (they promise). 

From farm all the way to pharmacy, Pranarōm oils are organically grown, harvested, and packaged with both intention and transparency. Their promise guarantees against any and all GMOs, synthetics, additives, adulterants, and animal testing. They disclose both their sources and their methods, and they are certified by ECOCERT SA, an independent, environmentally conscious company that tests, quite literally, everything (from soil to bottle). 

Essentially, if you’re intrigued by the practice of aromatherapy, Pranaōm oils are quality and proven, and this is why we are thrilled to offer these oils at R+R! Below you'll find full list of the oils we will be carrying as well as a highlight reel of our favorites.

Pranaōm Oils Available at R+R


Peppermint $15
Lemon $15
Lavender $23
Rosemary $16
Grapefruit $18
Frankincense $55
Eucalyptus Radiata $18


Uplift $10
Tranquility $10
Mental Clarity $12
Immunity Boost $12

Some of Our Favorite Ways to Use Oils 


Peppermint oil has a wonderful, cooling aroma that does wonders for supporting the respiratory system, mental clarity and circulation. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. That being said, we love diluting a few drops into a carrier oil such as coconut oil or avocado oil and rubbing it into sore joints and bug bites. Rubbing it directly onto your abdomen is also a lovely aid in digestion. Peppermint is also our headache remedy of choice! Drop a couple drops in your palms, rub them together, and take a big ol' breath! You can also dot a bit of oil on your temples and gently massage.


Lavender is the great relaxer (and perhaps one of the most popular and versatile essential oils used in aromatherapy). It’s soothing aroma relieves stress, fatigue, depression and headaches, and it’s rumored to help treat anxiety, insomnia, menstrual cramps, and allergies. After a long day’s work, we love dropping some into a diffuser and settling down with a glass of wine…a good book…mood lighting…


Lemon oil, as we’re sure you can imagine, has a bright and sweet, citrus-y scent. It’s great at killing bacteria and is the perfect diffuser for when we’re starting to feel a bit under-the-weather. One or two drops in an oil burner or diffuser can help clear nasal passages and promote steady breathing. 


Rosemary oil reduces stress and nervous tension and instead boosts mental activity and clarity. It is also known to stimulate hair health and growth, and for that reason we love diluting and rubbing a bit directly onto our scalp. It can slow greys, improve shimmer, prevent hair loss, and moisturize the scalp (win, win, win, win!). Rosemary is also an amazing mosquito repellent! Click here for our favorite homemade mosquito spray recipe.


Now doesn’t that just sound delightful? This blend is formulated to boost energy and refresh the mind. We love using a simple palm inhalation technique to apply whenever we need a little pick-me-up. 


As labeled, this blend is formulated to support your immune system. We love inhaling it directly, or simply diffusing, to nourish our bodies’ natural defenses and refresh our respiratory systems. (Hello, flu season.) 

Regardless of where you’re at along your journey into aromatherapy, we hope this little list helps. However, we know that trying anything new can be a bit daunting, so please don’t hesitate to reach out! We’re here, always, and would love to help you in any realm of your wellness journey! 

Call 817.720.6220 or swing by R+R to snag one (or several) of these fabulous oils today.

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Supplements Mary Clay Gupton Supplements Mary Clay Gupton

Is it allergies, a cold, or a virus?

How often do you feel a sickness coming on, and you immediately start to wonder - is this a cold? allergies? a virus?? For obvious reasons, this can be a little panic-inducing presently, so keep this resource close if/when symptoms do start!

How often do you feel a sickness coming on, and you immediately start to wonder - is this a cold? allergies? a virus?? For obvious reasons, this can be a little panic-inducing presently, so keep this resource close if/when symptoms do start!

As a place of immunity, Restore and Revive strives to do all we can to encourage preventative health, and the immunity packages grouped by age from Daycare to Adults at the bottom of the post are the best way to stay above the wellness line!

Taking Daily Supplements (9).png

Be sure to catch the IGTV video with our co-founder, Taylor Dukes, on what to take, eat, drink and do in each scenario, but for a quick recap, peek below! PS we sell all of the listed supplements at R+R. Call 817.720.6220 to purchase!

What to take for allergies:

D Hist for adults
D Hist, Jr. for kiddos
Diffuse essential oils for breathing and/or congestion such as Raven, Thieves, RC
Saline rinse
Neil Med Sinus Rinse
Nasal Spray - we prefer Silver or XClear
Consider looking into fungal overgrowth as root cause if allergies are recurrent

What to take for a cold:

Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Cold Calm
Essential oils for breathing and/or congestion such as Raven, Thieves, RC
Nasal spray - silver or xclear
Drink fluids, clear broths, bone broth

What to take for the flu or any virus:

Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Rest, drink fluids, eat cooling foods and fruit if you have a fever
Take lukewarm baths with epsom/magnesium salt and iodine

Above all, stay calm, put away the screen, and let your body rest. We heal when we sleep. All of this said, want to know the best way to treat a cold or flu? Boost your immunity so they never even have a chance! Take advantage of the following age-specific packages to keep your body primed to fight anything that comes its way this sick season!

High School + College + Teacher Immunity Package

  • Thorne Zinc Picolinate

  • Seeking Health Liposomal Vitamin C Plus

  • Throne Vitamin D

  • Ortho Molecular Probiotic

  • Discounted Price $127

Elementary & Middle School Age Immunity Package

  • Metagenics Chewable Multivitamin

  • Thorne Vitamin D Drops

  • Seeking Health Liposomal Vitamin C Plus

  • Klaire Labs Children's Chewable Probiotic

  • Discounted Price $124

Day-Care Age Immunity Package

  • Boiron Briar Rose

  • Thorne Vitamin D Drops

  • Seeking Health Infant Probiotic

  • Discounted Price $63

We have limited quantities of our immunity packages, so please reserve yours by calling 817.720.6220 today! If you’re not local to Fort Worth, you can always shop our Fullscript link for all of these great brands and more!


Check out this post on immune boosting IVs + Shots as the pefect addition to any of the regimens listed!

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Supplements Mary Clay Gupton Supplements Mary Clay Gupton

The Truth About Supplement Sourcing

You’ve likely already heard of the bots and fake reviews and counterfeit stores on Amazon. So couple this with the loosely regulated industry of supplements, and the ensuing recklessness now walks the line between unscrupulous and downright criminal. They prey on our desire to be healthier! What in the actual heck?!

We get it. We’ve done it. Why pay retail when you can find it on Amazon to be shipped yesterday for a fraction of the price? But as the saying goes… what seems too good to be true… often is. 

Without stressing the obvious importance of supporting small businesses and shopping small now more than ever - except yeah let’s go ahead and stress it: Shop Small people!!! - beyond the local economic implications, a huge reason to be wary of Amazon concerns your health. 

The supplement industry has exploded. While we’re super glad people are realizing the state of our food industry and our westernized diets isn’t cutting it for optimum health anymore, we cannot emphasize the importance of considering the source of something you’re putting in your body. Ingredients matter, particularly when it comes to vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in the form of bioavailable supplements.

Backing up a bit, supplements are loosely regulated by the FDA as a food rather than a drug. This means any ingredients within a supplement already existing in food systems are grandfathered into the market without a need for pre-market approval. Further, no one looks into whether what a supplement claims to contain actually matches its contents.⁣ Please re-read the last sentence… we’ll wait. 

You’ve likely already heard of the bots and fake reviews and counterfeit stores on Amazon. So couple this with the loosely regulated industry of supplements, and the ensuing recklessness now walks the line between unscrupulous and downright criminal. They prey on our desire to be healthier! What in the actual heck?!

On the flip side, heavy regulations typically don’t bode well for any small business either. If the supplement industry were to be more heavily regulated, Big Pharma would again find a way to elbow its way to the top of the pack as some of the only companies with the financial means to carry out all the studies likely required. 

Icky conundrum, huh?

Fear not! Thanks to the research and expertise of our Co-founders in conjunction with companies like Fullscript working hard to only distribute the highest-quality supplements on the market, our shelves are stocked with the good guys. 

While we always, always emphasize the importance of “test don’t guess!” as a baseline, below please find our recommended supplements for the following demographics. If you’d like to take it a step further, we recommend securing a ZYTO Scan to get a closer look at exactly which supplements your body desires. 

Men: Metagenics Multi-Packs for Men with 30 day supply of ideal supplements packaged into easy-to-transport daily doses

Women: Metagenics Multi-Packs for Women with 30 day supply of ideal supplements packaged into easy-to-transport daily doses; OR a Multivitamin, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Probiotic, Omega

Preconception/Pregnant/Post-Natal Women: Metagenics Prenatal Multi-Packs with 30 day supply of ideal supplements packaged into easy-to-transport daily doses + Methylated Vitamin B and Vitamin D

childrens immune support fort worth

Children (old enough to chew a multivitamin): Chewable Multi, Omega, Probiotic, Vitamin D/K2

Infants/Babies: Briar Rose, Probiotic, Vitamin D/K2

Every brand we carry in house is pharmaceutical grade from incredibly reputable companies. Come shop our selection of the following categories and more:⁣

GI support⁣
hormone support⁣
menopausal support⁣

We also offer a virtual shop through Fullscript if we don’t have exactly what you need. We would love to help you optimize your health, boost your immune system, improve your mood, sleep, joint pain, mental focus and more with the right supplement regimen from the right sources! 

Give us a call today and resist the urge to dial it into Amazon, especially when it comes to your health! Your wellbeing is always worth the investment.

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