The Truth About Supplement Sourcing

We get it. We’ve done it. Why pay retail when you can find it on Amazon to be shipped yesterday for a fraction of the price? But as the saying goes… what seems too good to be true… often is. 

Without stressing the obvious importance of supporting small businesses and shopping small now more than ever - except yeah let’s go ahead and stress it: Shop Small people!!! - beyond the local economic implications, a huge reason to be wary of Amazon concerns your health. 

The supplement industry has exploded. While we’re super glad people are realizing the state of our food industry and our westernized diets isn’t cutting it for optimum health anymore, we cannot emphasize the importance of considering the source of something you’re putting in your body. Ingredients matter, particularly when it comes to vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in the form of bioavailable supplements.

Backing up a bit, supplements are loosely regulated by the FDA as a food rather than a drug. This means any ingredients within a supplement already existing in food systems are grandfathered into the market without a need for pre-market approval. Further, no one looks into whether what a supplement claims to contain actually matches its contents.⁣ Please re-read the last sentence… we’ll wait. 

You’ve likely already heard of the bots and fake reviews and counterfeit stores on Amazon. So couple this with the loosely regulated industry of supplements, and the ensuing recklessness now walks the line between unscrupulous and downright criminal. They prey on our desire to be healthier! What in the actual heck?!

On the flip side, heavy regulations typically don’t bode well for any small business either. If the supplement industry were to be more heavily regulated, Big Pharma would again find a way to elbow its way to the top of the pack as some of the only companies with the financial means to carry out all the studies likely required. 

Icky conundrum, huh?

Fear not! Thanks to the research and expertise of our Co-founders in conjunction with companies like Fullscript working hard to only distribute the highest-quality supplements on the market, our shelves are stocked with the good guys. 

While we always, always emphasize the importance of “test don’t guess!” as a baseline, below please find our recommended supplements for the following demographics. If you’d like to take it a step further, we recommend securing a ZYTO Scan to get a closer look at exactly which supplements your body desires. 

Men: Metagenics Multi-Packs for Men with 30 day supply of ideal supplements packaged into easy-to-transport daily doses

Women: Metagenics Multi-Packs for Women with 30 day supply of ideal supplements packaged into easy-to-transport daily doses; OR a Multivitamin, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Probiotic, Omega

Preconception/Pregnant/Post-Natal Women: Metagenics Prenatal Multi-Packs with 30 day supply of ideal supplements packaged into easy-to-transport daily doses + Methylated Vitamin B and Vitamin D

childrens immune support fort worth

Children (old enough to chew a multivitamin): Chewable Multi, Omega, Probiotic, Vitamin D/K2

Infants/Babies: Briar Rose, Probiotic, Vitamin D/K2

Every brand we carry in house is pharmaceutical grade from incredibly reputable companies. Come shop our selection of the following categories and more:⁣

GI support⁣
hormone support⁣
menopausal support⁣

We also offer a virtual shop through Fullscript if we don’t have exactly what you need. We would love to help you optimize your health, boost your immune system, improve your mood, sleep, joint pain, mental focus and more with the right supplement regimen from the right sources! 

Give us a call today and resist the urge to dial it into Amazon, especially when it comes to your health! Your wellbeing is always worth the investment.


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