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NAD : The wonder molecule

NAD, or nicotinamide adeninie dinucleotide, is an important coenzyme found in every cell in your body. The coenzyme NAD appears in two forms. One form, NAD+, helps turn nutrients into energy to support metabolism and cellular health. The other, slightly less beneficial form called NADH, works as a helper for proteins to regulate other cellular functions.

Permission to nerd out for a minute?

NAD, or nicotinamide adeninie dinucleotide, is an important coenzyme found in every cell in your body. The coenzyme NAD appears in two forms. One form, NAD+, helps turn nutrients into energy to support metabolism and cellular health. The other, slightly less beneficial form called NADH, works as a helper for proteins to regulate other cellular functions. Think of NAD+ as a bigger bang for your buck ready and willing to dive into the bloodstream and go straight to your cells.

This powerful molecule was discovered in 1906, but the more recent popularity of delivering this magical little molecule intravenously has bubbled its notoriety to the surface in the wellness world… and for good reason!

Touting the following benefits, NAD truly may be the miracle molecule:

  • improves stress resistance

  • improves energy metabolism

  • DNA protection

  • nervous system protection

  • anti-aging properties

  • muscle recovery and protection

  • improves insulin sensitivity (low sensitivity = insulin resistance)

  • aids in addiction recovery

Beyond these amazing qualities, NAD also aids in general wellness. Hair and nails will feel stronger and skin looks clearer. To the “mom brain” sufferers out there - NAD is for you. NAD naturally restores proper brain function and diminishes the affects of substance abuse on the brain. So how does it accomplish this laundry list of improvements?

First and foremost, NAD is a naturally occurring molecule in your body. As we age, the amount we produce simply declines. Scientists have found an increase in NAD allows the body to essentially slow down time and function more optimally.

Long story short: NAD makes your cells very, very happy.

The main kicker to achieve lasting results? Proper absorption. Through IV therapy, the ideal portion enters the circulation of the body to achieve an active, lasting effect. Supplements are also available, and we quite prefer the lozenge form of Real NAD+ to absorb on the tongue. This will be sold in-house very soon. Patches for NAD are another development we cannot wait to get our hands on - stay tuned!

Whew. Thanks for that. Sometimes you just gotta get your nerd on.

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