Lab Testing for integrative medicine fort worth

lab testing integrative medicine fort worth

Symptoms like chronic bloating, headaches, unexplained fatigue, insomnia, and body aches are all incredibly common. However, they often indicate an underlying disease or chronic condition. Because most health problems are multifactorial — stemming from various systemic imbalances and dysfunctions — functional lab testing can help you uncover the root cause(s). 

At Restore + Revive, lab testing is one of our integrative medicine Fort Worth services offered to both adults and children. Read on to discover why lab tests are an essential component of preventative medicine. (Plus, we’ll overview our most popular ones!) 

Why Is Lab Testing Important?

As an integrative medicine practice in Fort Worth, we use functional lab testing to get a full picture of a patient’s health. Doing so allows us to detect any changes, protect against chronic diseases and conditions, and create personalized plans for health and healing

Our Most Popular Integrative Medicine Lab Tests 

Wondering which lab tests are right for you? Here’s a quick overview of our most popular ones: 

GI Map

The GI-Map is a comprehensive stool test that detects parasites, bacteria, H. pylori, fungi, and more. Essentially, it assesses the health of your gut microbiome and unearths any underlying causes of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), autoimmune diseases, skin conditions, and more.

Dutch Test

The Dutch Test takes hormone testing to a whole other level. Specifically, it looks at sex hormones and their metabolites, cortisol patterns produced by your adrenal glands, and an organic acids test (OAT). In other words, it offers valuable insights into hormone imbalances, oxidative stress, gut dysbiosis, melatonin, neuroinflammation, nutritional deficiencies, and more. As integrative medicine Fort Worth providers, we use this test to optimize hormone health and correct hormone-related symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, and mood swings. 

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

This integrative lab test measures the mineral content of your hair. Believe it or not, just a small hair sample can help us understand your entire body’s mineral status. This test is especially great for assessing intracellular activity (inside the cells) – which is hard to do via blood work alone. 

At Restore + Revive, we use this test to uncover mineral imbalances, deficiencies, and excesses. And it reveals a multitude of information regarding your… 

  • Liver function

  • Metabolic rate

  • Nervous system

  • Digestive function

  • Energy production

  • Heavy metal presence

  • Oxidative stress and inflammation

  • Glandular activity (especially adrenal and thyroid)

  • Blood sugar regulation and carbohydrate production

Other Integrative Medicine Lab Tests

Below are some other integrative lab tests we offer at Restore + Revive: 

  • Environmental and food allergy testing. This test reveals any sensitivities to particular allergens. 

  • Viral panels. This panel checks for pathogens in the respiratory tract. 

  • Urinary testing. A urinalysis screens for or monitors certain health conditions like liver disease, kidney disease, and diabetes. It can also diagnose urinary tract infections.

  • In-depth blood work. Blood work offers insights into your metabolic, liver, and kidney functions. 

Integrative Medicine Fort Worth

As a center for integrative medicine in Fort Worth, we use functional lab testing to identify hormone imbalances, metabolic problems, thyroid dysfunction, autoimmune issues, and more. Then, we use your results to create a personalized plan for healing. 

In addition to standalone lab testing, we offer a Lab Testing Appointment Package (that costs $575 + lab fees) for both adults and children. It includes a discovery appointment, custom lab selections, an appointment to review your results, and a personalized healing protocol. 

Want to learn more? Call (817) 720-6220 (extension 2), email, or visit the integrative medicine section on our website.


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