Functional Medicine Restore + Revive Wellness Center Functional Medicine Restore + Revive Wellness Center

Biohack your body at the R+R Revive Room 

What is biohacking and why should we care about it? Well, the Mighty Forbes tells us that biohacking is "a DIY biology aimed at improving performance, health, and wellbeing through strategic interventions." And while the fancy term might seem new to some, many are already biohacking through simple practices like meditation and sweat therapy.  

At Restore + Revive, we’ve taken it up a notch with the Revive Room, offering state-of-the-art treatments that promote wellbeing at a cellular level and aim to reduce stress, improve sleep and enhance the recipient’s overall quality of life.  Want to hear more? We thought so! 


Zero gravity relaxation lounge chairs whose patented design induces relaxation. Imagine the feeling of weightlessness in chairs so large they are also called tables.  

Infrared PEMF Mats created to ground you in earth’s magnetic field for a full body reset. These mats utilize infrared’s deeply penetrating heat to intensify the healing and recovery benefits by sending low-level frequency throughout the body to recharge cells, expedite recovery, and calm the central nervous system. PEMF has been scientifically proven to improve chronic pain conditions, lessen inflammation, and improve immune response. When heated, the 20lbs of crystals within the mat produce negative ions, which are like antioxidants in the air. These ions neutralize free radicals and can improve your mood by directly impacting your serotonin levels. Pretty cool, huh?   

LED Light Shield Masks shown to improve skin by speeding healing, boosting anti-aging properties, and killing bacteria. The LED masks are available in three colors, each with their own healing benefits.  

  • Blue Light Therapy: Used for its antibacterial benefits and therefore used in acne treatment. This specific wavelength stimulates the production of oxygen radicals that kill P. Acnes bacteria (the acne-causing bacteria), without damaging the skin.  

  • Amber Light Therapy: Used to flush waste from the skin, boost lymphatic flow and increase cellular growth, aiding in cell-turnover, or production of new skin cells.   

  • Red Light Therapy: Used for its anti-aging benefits because of its ability to stimulate collagen and elastin production. Also believed to reduce cytokines, which cause inflammation. 

NuCalm masks guaranteed to have a calming effect on the brain, resulting in profound rest and relaxation. Using patented technology, NuCalm masks offer six patented channels to give you complete control over your brain’s operating frequency range. Feeling off? Sluggish? Slow? Need a reset? With their one-of-a-kind bio signal processing discs applied to your wrists and the NuCalm App provided through noise-canceling, low-EMF headphones, this technology gently tunes your brain’s frequency down, changing your corresponding mental state. NuCalm's oscillating frequency algorithm is smarter than your brain’s powerful pattern recognition and keeps you in this deeply restful state for as long as you choose, without distraction or interruption.   

Organic weighted blankets shown to reduce stress and anxiety and calm the nervous system as well as aromatherapy are also provided with every session.  

The best thing about the Revive Room is you can come every day! We recommend wearing comfortable clothes to promote relaxation and healing of the mind and body. Individuals with pacemakers, insulin pumps, or other electrical implants, and pregnancy should not use the PEMF mats but can partake in all other interventions. The Revive Room is offered in 40-minute increments and prices start at just $79.  


  • 40 minutes per session 

  • 1 session / $99 

  • 4-pack / $356 ($89/session) 

  • 8-pack / $632 ($79/session) 

Restore + Revive is open Monday – Wednesday: 9am-5pm; Thursday: 9am-7pm; and Friday & Saturday: 9am-2pm. To book the Revive Room, visit or call 817-720-6220.   

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Functional Medicine Mary Clay Gupton Functional Medicine Mary Clay Gupton

7 Types of Rest (And Why You Need Them All!)

How many nights have you crawled into bed utterly exhausted, slept a full eight or nine hours, and woken up the next morning still feeling sluggish and fatigued? (Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.) Sure, you slept through a full REM cycle, however, there are other kinds of rest that your body might still be craving. In today’s post we’re going over the 7 types of rest (and why you need them all!) where we’ll get to the bottom of why we’re all so sleepy all the time.

Wait… So, you’re telling me there’s more to rest than getting a bit of shut-eye?

Shocking, we know. But yes! That is exactly what we’re saying. We’re even going to let you in on a little secret… 

Simply getting enough sleep is not going to cure your chronic exhaustion. 

Yep! There you have it. And it’s hard to believe, huh? We can’t speak for everyone, but we’ve always been told that a full REM cycle is all we need for a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and under-eye-circle-free morning. 

Of course, that was until we stumbled across a TED Talk by Saundra Dalton-Smith that finally shed some light on why we’re all so sleepy. In it, she explains that there are seven different types of rest and that getting enough sleep each night is just not going to cut it. 

Now, let’s all take a moment to think about that. How many nights have you crawled into bed utterly exhausted, slept a full eight or nine hours, and woken up the next morning still feeling sluggish and fatigued? (Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.) Sure, you slept through a full REM cycle, however, there are other kinds of rest that your body might still be craving. 

In the wise words of Dalton-Smith, “we go through life thinking we’ve rested because we have gotten enough sleep—but in reality, we are missing out on the other types of rest we desperately need.” 

Sounds intriguing, right? Well in today’s post we’re going over the 7 types of rest (and why you need them all!). Stay tuned, and we’ll get to the bottom of why we’re all so sleepy all the time.  

1. Physical Rest

Now we all know what physical exhaustion feels like. It is all those moments where you’ve struggled to keep your eyelids open or simply couldn’t stop the yawns from spewing. These physical indicators tell you that you’re lacking passive physical rest—aka sleep—which is easily remedied by going to bed a few minutes earlier or sneaking in a mid-afternoon catnap. 

However, this traditional, sleepy rest is only one component of physical rest. The other is active physical rest – things like yoga at our Boutique Fitness Studio, stretching, holistic bodywork, and massage work. Although it isn’t technically required for our bodies’ daily functioning, active physical rest helps improve our bodies’ circulation and flexibility. 

2. Mental Rest 

If you’re feeling sluggish, yet are all caught up on physical rest, then you might need a little mental boost. Mental fatigue looks different for all of us, but the easiest way to combat it is by giving yourself a mental break. 

To prevent hitting that inevitable wall, we should all be making a conscious effort to turn our brains off during the day. These breaks include anything from going on a walk to grabbing a quick bite to practicing deep, mindful breathing. Practices like these remind our bodies to slow down, which renews our capacity for productivity later.

3. Sensory Rest

Sensory rest has everything to do with our surroundings. Take a quick moment to scan the room around you. Are there any bright lights? Funky smells? Loud music? Have you been staring into a computer screen? If so, how long?

It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing, external stimuli can quickly overwhelm your senses. To prevent a sensory overload, we recommend conducting a little sensory reboot every so often. 

This can be achieved with something as simple as a 5-minute meditation, or you could take a few moments to close your eyes and regroup. If you’re feeling extra ambitious, you could try taking an “electronic-free” hour, afternoon, day, or weekend. (Crazy idea –we know.) 

4. Creative Rest

Did you know that every one of us uses our creative juices at some point throughout the day? Yes, even those of you who don’t think you’re creative. From pitching meetings to creating content, you honestly might be surprised by just how creative you are. 

To make sure our creativity is in full supply, we all need regular creative resets. However, how you choose to do so is totally up to you! Some of our favorites include taking a stroll through nature or letting ourselves get lost in a fabulous book. Essentially, you’re looking for activities that relieve the pressure to create while offering some inspiration, which of course boosts creativity. 

5. Emotional Rest

Emotional rest is another equally important (yet often overlooked!) component of rest and rejuvenation. If you’re not quite sure what we’re talking about, think about how often you say yes to do something (that—let’s be honest—you would rather not do)

For people-pleasers especially, it is easy to sacrifice your wellbeing for the sake of others. Therefore, we like to describe emotional rest as taking a “yes-vacation.” (Now truly, doesn’t that sound appealing?) 

Instead of immediately agreeing to something or someone, pause to acknowledge how you are feeling. Tell whoever that you’ll think about it and commit only when you’re feeling up to it. 

If your day-to-day work or life is emotionally heavy, then this type of rest is especially important. It gives your brain that oh-so-needed pause, and it is as simple as taking a few quiet moments for yourself or chatting with someone with whom you are your authentic self. 

6. Social Rest

Social rest is especially important for introverts and people who find socializing exhausting. We’re able to socially rest merely by balancing our exhausting social encounters with rejuvenating ones. 

To start, try making a list of all the people you find stimulating, engaging, and easy to be around. Then, make a list of all the people whose company is more of a challenge. From there, make a conscious effort to maximize time spent with the former group and minimize time spent with the latter. (Trust us, you will quickly start to feel noticeably lighter.) 

This little boundary will also equip you to love the harder-to-love people in your life with more grace and energy!

7. Spiritual Rest

Last, but not least, is spiritual rest. Now regardless of your spiritual beliefs, all human beings need to feel connected to something larger than themselves. 

We feel spiritually rested when we are connected beyond the physical and mental realms. And instead of feeling disconnected from the world, we feel a deep sense of love, belonging, and purpose. 

If you practice a certain religion, this could mean devoting a few, quiet moments to prayer. Or you could try a morning meditation. If neither sounds particularly appealing to you, a spiritual reboot could also be achieved by volunteering in your local community or participating in something that forces you to look beyond yourself. 

So, What Next?

Here at R+R, we are all about full-body healing that is tailored to your personal needs. Regardless of whichever kind of rest your body is craving, we’d love to help you achieve it. 

If you’re ready to begin your wellness journey, browse our Where to Start page. All our offerings are synergistic in nature, so there is truly no wrong place to start. Honor whatever your body needs today, and our team will help you navigate from there. 

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Functional Medicine Restore + Revive Wellness Center Functional Medicine Restore + Revive Wellness Center

8 Ways to Reduce EMF Exposure

We make it our mission to educate and keep you informed of overall wellness deterrents, but we never want to make you panic! Please consider the following information as a gentle nudge vs. a full-on shove toward being more mindful of EMFs and why you should be.

Have you seen Better Call Saul? If not, it’s a spin off of Breaking Bad following the life of Walter White’s lawyer, Saul Goodman.

There’s a character named Chuck who lives in a house with no electricity, and he makes you leave your cell phone and anything battery-powered or electric in the mailbox before you enter. He’s often depicted wearing a foil overcoat, and he’s got blackout shades and lanterns all over the house. 

He does this because he believes he suffers from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity.

He also does this because he’s totally nuts. 

So while we make it our mission to educate and keep you informed of overall wellness deterrents, we never want to make you panic to Chuck’s state, so please consider the following information as a gentle nudge vs. a full-on shove. 

What are EMFs?

Closely akin to the electromagnetic waves haunting Chuck’s dreams are EMFs. Le Google describes them as such:

“Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible areas of energy, often referred to as Radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting.”

How are we exposed to EMFs?

  • Earbuds

  • Anything bluetooth

  • Cell phones

  • Microwaves

  • Powerlines

  • Cell phone towers

  • Wi-Fi routers

  • Baby monitors

Why should we be mindful of EMF exposure?

Research shows EMF influences cellular metabolism. When we start messing with our bodies at a cellular level, it’s never good. Several studies now show the detrimental health effects of EMFs due to this influence at the cellular level with one of the most shocking being the connection between the location of cancerous tumors to where an individual routinely carries their cell phone. 

Other studies have shown noteworthy links to the following:

  • Increased brain cancers

  • Altered brain metabolism

  • Sleep disturbance

  • Diminished sperm count and sperm damage

  • Headaches

  • Fatigue

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Memory + concentration difficulties 

How do we reduce our exposure? 

1. Ditch the microwave.

Yes, we just said that. Think about what you’re making in the microwave… could it be made on the stovetop? Probably. If it cannot, then it’s likely made of preservatives and gunk anyway. 

Heating food in any way will diminish the nutritional value, but microwaves win the prize for nuking the nutrition. According to Medical Daily, “The water molecules rotate rapidly in the microwave and in the food in high frequencies which creates molecular friction and heats up your food. This causes the molecular structure in your food to change, and as a result diminishes the nutrient content in the food.” This is especially true when it comes to breast milk - please for the love, do not ever, ever heat your liquid gold in the microwave.

2. Designate a docking station. 

Find a place in your house you don’t frequent as much, and leave the phones there throughout the day, or at the very least, from 5pm onward. This way you know where it is and can check it if needed, but you don’t have to carry it around in your hand or your pocket.

3. Sleep with your phone in another room or put it on airplane mode.

This is a super easy switch! We also recommend doing the same to a tablet if you have one in your room. Take it a step further and enforce no screen time 2 hours before bedtime. This not only diminishes EMF exposure, but it has also been proven to help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. 

4. Consider a WI-Fi cage. 

These allegedly don’t interfere with signal strength, but they do lessen the radiation. 

5. Use speakerphone. 

Whenever you can, use the speakerphone so the phone isn’t glued to your head everytime you talk. 

6. Skip the earbuds. 

We know they look cool, but the bluetooth feature makes the EMF factor significantly higher than regular ol’ wire earphones. 

7. Get grounding!

Make this practice part of your morning routine! The Earth carries a negative charge. Grounding, aka Earthing, directly counteracts the effects of EMFs.

8. Up your magnesium.

Studies show magnesium’s calcium channel blocking properties protect our cells from damage from EMFs. We’ve got high-quality magnesium supplements in store, or you can create and account and shop here.

Doing all the other daily detox supporters like eating well, exercising, prioritizing sleep and keeping stress in check all help your body fend off the effects of EMFs. At the end of the day, we do the best we can to avoid unnecessary exposure while not falling off the deep end like ol’ Chuck. 

For more on EMFs and great products to help you reduce your exposure to them, check out our friends at Tech Wellness.

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