Functional Medicine Mary Clay Gupton Functional Medicine Mary Clay Gupton

The Top 9 Tips to Reset Your System

Each tiny cell (of which your body has about 30 trillion) generates .07 volts of energy. We’re talking almost 30 trillion volts of energy in a single body. For perspective: a bolt of lightning creates about 1 billion volts. Amazing, high-voltage YOU has the capability to clean house in the best way possible if given the right tools Keep reading for 9 ways to cleanse the body.

The previously cloudy waters of Venice run clear, the smog lifts over LA, and the Himalayas are now visible to an Indian town for the first time in years. By Divine design, nature restores itself when given the chance for a reset… and your amazing body is no different. 

When given the proper foundation to function properly, our bodies could put the aforementioned Covid byproducts to shame. Each tiny cell (of which your body has about 30 trillion) generates .07 volts of energy. We never claimed to be math savvy, so rounding up to 1, we’re talking almost 30 trillion volts of energy in a single body. For perspective: a bolt of lightning creates about 1 billion volts. 


Amazing, high-voltage YOU has the capability to clean house in the best way possible if given the right tools and the right amount of time. Keep reading for 9 ways to cleanse the body - the most important first step - to prime your systems to reach their ultimate potential. 

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  1. Ditch the processed sugars and inflammatory foods. We know this one makes you groan, so we’ll get it out of the way first. With so many resources available, simply search Whole30, Paleo or AIP (auto-immune protocol) recipes for delicious ideas without deprivation. 

  2. ProLon is a great jump start to truly give your body the reset it craves. This science-backed 5-day meal plan provides the ideal amount of calories and combination of macronutrients to “trick” your body into thinking it is fasting. Fasting causes cell-turnover at an incredible rate (which in turn promotes wellness) and this meal plan allows you to do so without the dangers of fasting. Call 817-720-6220 to reserve yours today.

  3. Incorporate detox foot soaks into your weekly routine. When coming into contact with the highest-quality sea salt on the market, the proprietary design of our system creates a reaction causing your body to eradicate whatever it does not want through the soles of your feet. So many of us get sick because our detox systems (think liver, kidneys, lungs, gallbladder, etc.) cannot properly rid themselves. Through this idealized sweating process and a little chemistry, your body purges the bad to enhance the good.

  4. Focus on including more alkaline foods. Bottom line: acidic foods bring our bodies out of balance, and more alkaline foods make all systems happier. Alkaline choices include dark, leafy greens, citrus, root vegetables, almonds and avocados. Garlic and onions are a great addition to any meal for flavor and added alkalinity.

  5. Incorporate green juice with 90% vegetables into your daily routine and go organic whenever possible. We also recommend drinking room temperature filtered water with lemon first thing in the morning to aid in digestion and microbiome balance (ie to make your gut happy). 

  6. Soak in the infrared sauna. They say sweat cures all, and the infrared sauna makes this possible at varying degrees of penetration from near, mid to far to enhance your experience far beyond that of a regular sauna. We recommend weekly visits for maintenance and 3-4 times a week when dealing with an acute or chronic issue. 

  7. Give your hair and skin a break too. Yes we mean it. You’ve got nowhere to be - put down the heat styling for a couple weeks and let your entire body have a reset. Head to toe! Summer is the perfect time to give your skin a break from pore-clogging make-up as well.

  8. Rejuvenate your system with a Meyers Drip Plus or an Immune Boost Drip to reboot and replenish with vitamins and minerals to help your entire body fight and function at the top of its game.

  9. Breathe. Sit down, relax your shoulders down your back, release your tongue from the roof of your mouth. Breathe in for 4 counts, breathe out for 4 counts. Do this at least once a day for 5 minutes. Oxygen is vital (duh), but how often do you hold your breath and not even realize it? Providing our cells with quality deep breaths not only calms us down, but it gives your body an abundance of its most critical need to lay the proper foundation for optimal cell function. 


See, you’re feeling better already, aren’t you?! Sidestepping the temptation to address this “unprecedented time” yet again, we hope you’re seeing the silver lining of the slow down and don’t miss the opportunity to take advantage while we have it. Come see us! We’d love to help set your feet on the path to healing.

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Services Mary Clay Gupton Services Mary Clay Gupton

IVs + Shots for Immunity

The R+R porch is now open for IVs and Shots Monday and Thursday 2pm-6pm and Saturday 8am-12pm! Off-site Shots + IVs will be available within 10 miles of R+R for a minimum of 5 people as well. Please call 817-720-6220 for further detail on off-site visits. After a quick rundown of how it works, scroll to the bottom for a highlight of the best IVs and Shots for boosting your immunity!


Immune Boost Drip Kick cold, flu and allergy symptoms before they start by arming your body for battle. This drip includes all the key players:
Zinc for immune function regulation, treats the common cold, effects learning and memory
Selenium powerful antioxidant, boosts immune system, important for thyroid health
Vitamin C necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues key to the immune system
B-Complex for cell health, growth of red blood cells and support of energy levels
B12 for mood support, cell support and bone health
B6 for mood support, brain health and to prevent clogged arteries
Glutathione to reduce oxidative stress, liver support, and improves insulin resistance
Vitamin D3 to improve bone support by helping the body absorb calcium, immune support
L-Lysine for an anti-viral optional boost


Myers Drip Plus The original IV Drip gets an upgrade with this proprietary mix of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals unlike any other Myers Drip on the market. This bad boy packs a punch with:
Magnesium Chloride supports nerves and muscle systems
Vitamin C necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues key to the immune system
B-Complex for cell health, growth of red blood cells and support of energy levels
B12 for mood support, cell support and bone health
B6 for mood support, brain health and to prevent clogged arteries
B5 for liver function, nervous system function, and for healthy hair, skin and nails
Multi-trace 5 delivers trace amounts of zinc, copper, manganeses, chromium, and selenium
Glutathione to reduce oxidative stress, liver support, and improves insulin resistance


The Supreme Drip This motherload delivers everything you need for energy, detoxification, immunity, mood-boosting, anti-inflammatory and cellular protection. The following nutrients round out this drip:
Zinc for immune function regulation, treats the common cold, effects learning and memory
Vitamin C necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues key to the immune system
Magnesium Chloride supports nerves and muscle systems
Carnitine for optimal mitochondrial function of the cells for energy
Arginine for blood pressure support as well as blood sugar regulation
Glycine a powerful antioxidant to improve collagen and sleep quality, liver support and muscle loss support
B-Complex for cell health, growth of red blood cells and support of energy levels
B12 for mood support, cell support and bone health
B6 for mood support, brain health and to prevent clogged arteries
B5 for liver function, nervous system function, and for healthy hair, skin and nails
Glutathione to reduce oxidative stress, liver support, and improves insulin resistance
Phosphatidylcholine to aid in liver repair

Vitamin C Drip Strengthen your body by infusing it with immune boosting, healing and detoxifying power of Vitamin C. Your skin will be glowing too! Vitamin C is vital to all tissue repair throughout the body including the immune system.

the best shots for immunity

Vitamin D for immune support, joint health, mood support and muscle weakness

B-12 for mood support, cell support, energy, heart, brain and bone health

B-Complex for cell health, support of energy levels, nervous system function, eyesight and digestion

Call 817-720-6220 to book today!

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Functional Medicine Mary Clay Gupton Functional Medicine Mary Clay Gupton

What is Functional Medicine?

What is Functional Medicine? Whether you struggle with stubborn weight gain, digestive issues, persistent allergies, multiple unexplained symptoms or perhaps you simply want optimize your health and prevent conditions in the future, no matter where you are in life, functional medicine is for you.

While this approach to healthcare seems to be gaining some ground, there might still be a big huh? surrounding Functional Medicine for you. You might also be skeptical. What’s wrong with normal medicine? Is this all woo-woo good vibes only with no substance? What’s the goal here? We get it. You’re not alone in these questions and skepticisms, so we hope to shed some light on what Functional Medicine means and how we plan to serve you at R+R.

Whether you struggle with stubborn weight gain, digestive issues, persistent allergies, multiple unexplained symptoms or perhaps you simply want optimize your health and prevent conditions in the future, no matter where you are in life, functional medicine is for you and we would love to work with you. At R+R we long to bring you the support you need by partnering with you and walking alongside you in your unique health journey.

In today's conventional medical system, a doctor's diagnosis and healing plan often begin and end with your symptoms. Not sleeping? Here's some Ambien. Anxious? Try some Lexipro. Hormones imbalanced? This new birth control should do the trick. 

While these prescriptions may very well alleviate what ails you, there's no digging into WHY your symptoms bubbled to the surface. Without addressing what's causing your fatigue, your anxiety, your mood swings, who's to say these symptoms won't intensify upon the body's adjustment to the medication? Not to mention the potential side effects from the meds!

In Functional Medicine, symptoms clue your practitioner into what's really going on in your body rather than holding court as the endgame. This personalized and integrative approach to healthcare focuses on prevention, management and root causes of the symptoms in order to help you reach your goals and stay there. Functional Medicine does not come in one-size-fits-all and does not mean a quick fix. This approach will be layered and detailed with each piece of the puzzle being examined and carefully placed where it should go to help you feel your very best.

We promise to gently dig deep through various research-based tests and lab reports specific to your needs by examining everything from your gut health to mineral deficiencies, hormone imbalance, food sensitivities, your genetic blueprint, cortisol levels, a comprehensive stool analysis, heavy metals, mold toxicity, chemical exposure and more. Zyto Scans will also be employed to further navigate your unique makeup.

The goal of our care is to figure out the root cause of your symptoms, establish a personalized plan of nutrition, fitness, sleep, high-quality supplements and a gentle detox to set you on the path to healing. Our Nurse Practitioner can help you manage certain prescriptions and when she does prescribe, she will do so with thoughtful consideration and only when the benefits outweight the risks or side effects. Her intention will always be to study beyond your symptoms the prescription masks in order to give you a long term healing plan. Think of this approach as an investment in your health and in your long term well-being! 

We believe our bodies are immaculate designs by the hand of our Creator, and we long to help yours move, balance, feel and rest as He intended. At R+R, we cannot wait to offer you what we believe to be the most comprehensive and effective view of your unique wellness journey through the lens of Functional Medicine. 

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