Dabney's 2023 vacation travel tips

Are you stressing about your upcoming summer vacation? I know the feeling. You are so excited to spend quality time with your family and make precious memories, but your brain is also racing with a million thoughts. 

  • "Do I need to buy a swimsuit for my daughter?" 

  • "Will those hiking boots from last year still fit?" 

  • "Do I have enough time to unpack when we get home? 

Being prepared for a vacation doesn’t end with what’s inside your suitcase. What’s inside your body can take your trip from “oh, no” to “let’s go!” As a Family Nurse Practitioner and type 1 diabetic, I know taking care of yourself away from home can be challenging. I recommend having a plan in place to help keep you feeling your best. Here is a list to help you prepare before, during and after your next vacation.  


IV Therapy. I highly recommend an immune boost before you take to the skies. The Immune Boost Drip IV helps kick any colds that might be festering before they begin. It’s also a great way to calm allergies. IV Therapy is your answer to improve performance and recovery, rehydrate, or simply restore depleted vitamins.  


Magnesium. The benefits of magnesium are plentiful, but you will especially appreciate the extra energy and better sleep it can deliver during your travels. 

Hydration. Travel can take a toll on your hydration levels. Support your system with LMNT to replenish those vitamins and electrolytes. Restore + Revive sells several delicious flavors in a variety pack ($20) or as individual sticks ($2).

Soaps and washes. Just because it must pass TSA regulations doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your health. Fill up any silicone travel size containers with your favorite Oway hair products and Aleavia Body Wash to avoid using products with harmful ingredients (which are often stocked in hotel bathrooms!) Stock up on Branch Basics Travel Kit complete with mini-all-purpose, mini–foaming wash and mini concentrate for refilling. Great for washing hands, clothes and more on the go.

I also recommend incorporating ways to move your body, such as walks or other outdoor family activities (my family loves pickleball) as well as packing your own stainless steel water bottle. Another pro travel tip that will help you stick to clean eating is research restaurant menus before you go out to eat.  


After your trip, the fatigue is guaranteed to set in. Don’t worry. Here are some pointers to help you battle the post-vacation woes.  

Detox with Sauna. They say sweat cures all, and there’s a reason for that. Sweat is the body’s natural way to detoxify and stay healthy. Infrared Saunas offer this healing process in a therapeutic and enjoyable way that is not unbearably hot. 

Cold Plunge. Benefits of cold immersion have been shown to include pain relief, improved mood and increased energy … to name a few. Just what the doctor ordered.  

Foot Soak. Relax the mind and body while purifying through the soles of your feet. The detox foot soak cleansing method works by submerging feet in a specified combination of warm, high-quality water + Himalayan salts + negative ions to gently draw out the positively charged toxins in the body through the bottom of your feet. Detox foot soak therapy supports the purging of heavy metals and detoxification of the liver and kidneys, as well as many other health benefits.

Dermashape. Great way to detox, reset, and decrease any inflammation caused from travel. This treatment uses a holistic approach to stimulate and improve lymphatic drainage to drain excess fluid and toxins from the body.

In addition, sleep and hydration are two of the most important things we can do to maintain our health and wellbeing. Prioritize these two things when you get back and you will be back into your regular routine in no time.  

Restore + Revive is open Monday – Wednesday: 9am-5pm; Thursday: 9am-7pm; and Friday & Saturday: 9am-2pm. To book any of these services, visit www.restoreandrevivefw.com/book-now or call 817-720-6220.  

Services Mentioned in Post Available at R+R

Discounted packages are also available for each service mentioned above!

Products Mentioned in Post Available at R+R

  • Seeking Health Optimal Magnesium - $18

  • LMNT Electrolyte Drink Mix - Variety Pack/ $20 Individual Sticks/ $2

  • OWAY Hair Care - Prices range from $34-$36

  • Aleavia Body Wash - $20

  • Branch Basics Travel Kit - $20


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