7 Tips for Healthy Travel with Dabney + Taylor

We’ve got the travel bug, and chances are… you do too.

That’s why we’re touching base with our Co-founders, Dabney Poorter, CN, RN + Taylor Dukes, MSN, FNP-BC on their musts for travel to keep health and wellness a priority… while still having all the fun!

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

1.Hydrate the day before travel with at least 80 oz of filtered water. On the day of travel, do your best to hit that 80 oz mark again, giving yourself grace for airplane restrictions, etc.

2. Hydration is especially important if you’re heading to the mountains. If you’re one of the lucky ones getting a break from this heat, start the aforementioned recommended water intake hydrate two days before travel and get yo’self a Myers Drip Plus if you’re sensitive to altitude.

3. Speaking of altitude, this post has a ton of pro-tips, but rule A#1 is no booze the first day/night and take it easy on activities. AKA, please do not head straight for Ute Trail and then burn a hole in a seat at Ajax Tavern.

Save that winning itinerary for Day 2, bugaboo.

Fail to plan, plan to fail.

Do not rely on the airport for healthy snacks, and do not rely on gas stations for meals. Duh.

4. Snag some Juice Junkies Energy Balls from R+R before you leave and pack Julie's Real nut butter packets, Chomps beef jerky sticks, Thunderbird bars, fruit and nuts for the road. Your kiddos will be less cranky, and so.will.you.

5. If you’re going to be gone for an extended period of time, we suggest schlepping the immune system essentials just in case: Probiotic, Magnesium, Elderberry Syrup, Zinc, Boiron Cold Calm, and Vitamin D. Psssst all of these are available at R+R or you can find them by shopping our Supplement Shop here.

Tiny but mighty

6. Just as we’re not relying on the road stops to fuel us, we’re not relying on the hotel to provide safe products for hair, face, and body… Enter travel kits!

All of these are available at R+R so call 817.720.6220 or swing by to snag yours today:

  • For the hair: Innersense Travel Trio

  • For the face: Botnia Travel Kit

  • For inevitable stains and cleaning needs: Branch Basics Travel Kit

We like to move it, move it.

7. Find fun ways to exercise in your new destination! Whether it is walking through a local botanical garden, checking out a unique local workout gym, going hiking, strolling the beach barefoot, or renting a bike to see the city - move your thang.

Free yo’ mind

Bonus Tip: For the love, leave the work at home. Grab a good book, a magazine, a devotional, and/or your journal and live life unpluggled. Stress does more damage to the body than anything… Let yourself let go, rest, and reset!


Why We Love Essential Oils


Q&A with Jessica Bowman of @fwpelvichealth