6 Reasons YOU Should Join The R+R Farm Co-Op
First things first: What is a Co-Op?
Quite simply, a Farming Cooperative (Co-Op for short) is a system where like-minded, hard-working farmers can pool the fruits of their labor to offer a larger variety to consumers. In doing so, they also split expenses such as supplies, materials and production costs while simultaneously side-stepping supermarket red tape and lag times in order to offer you the freshest foods possible… straight from the farm to your table.
This centuries-old concept caught our attention when we met Robert D. Copeland (aka Bob) last summer while planning for our Fall Market. Bob owns and operates Sunflower Farms, a local farm offering delicious grass-fed, pasture-raised beef and organically grown produce to The R+R Farm Co-Op. His passion for (and knowledge of!) cooperative farming and regenerative agriculture had us smitten from the get-go.
Back up – regenerative what?
Keeping simplicity top of mind, regenerative agriculture can be defined as the farming practices that nurture the land and animals to allow nature to work as intended.
Digging a little deeper (and at the risk of sounding like Negative Nancy), one learns the methods of regenerative farming are counter-culture to the conventional food system’s goal of pumping the life out of the land, stuffing livestock into abysmal living conditions (feedlots and feedbarns), and feeding the livestock GMO grains they are not designed to eat – all in the name of the bottom line. The harm-reduction approach of regenerative farming nurtures the farmland by introducing such practices as adding organic top soil, avoiding chemically-laden pesticides, avoiding tilling, and by implementing fermentation, inoculation, intercropping, crop rotation and composting (to name a few).
According to Bob of Sunflower Farms, "Regenerative agriculture also involves grazing cattle, sheep, goats on pastures of grasses and moving them around from small pasture to small pasture regularly as they graze the grasses about halfway down to the ground. As they graze and move around in the small pastures, they leave behind a well-fertilized and plowed soil. The herds rotate from one pasture to the next on a weekly or more frequent basis depending on herd-size until you're back at the starting point where the grass has had time to regrow."
This more patient, counter-culture approach requires a community aspect in order to thrive, thus the appeal of a farming cooperative.
Now that you’re up to speed and have two new vocabulary words under your belt, let’s dig into why you should join The R+R Farm Co-Op!
Reason #1: The produce and meats are more nutrient-dense.
Pasture-raised meat and regenerative farming practices offer produce and meats packed with more nutrients and antioxidants proven to increase heart health, aid in disease prevention, build and maintain muscle mass, improve exercise, and more.
Larry Goodson, Farmer + Owner of First Earth Farm provides organically grown produce to The R+R Farm Co-Op.
How? You ask.
Remember what we learned about regenerative farming? These methods support the soil and strive to leave the land better than it's ever been. Think of it this way: What does your food eat? If your veggies are consuming high-quality organic nutrients from a solid soil, and if the animals are grazing organic grass grown on said soil - we’d venture to say their diet is pretty top-notch. Ipso facto… yours will be too!
Phys.org reports on the results of a study conducted in January 2022 over 10 farms across the US comparing regenerative soil to conventional soil stating, “The food grown under regenerative practices contained, on average, more magnesium, calcium, potassium and zinc; more vitamins, including B1, B12, C, E and K; and more phytochemicals, compounds not typically tracked for food but that have been shown to reduce inflammation and boost human health. Crops grown in the regenerative farms were also lower in elements broadly detrimental to human health, including sodium, cadmium and nickel, compared with their conventionally grown neighbors.”
Further, pasture-raised meats - especially beef - are full of Omega-3 fatty acids and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). Both Omega-3s and CLA greatly enhance your nutritional intake, and as it turns out, both are sorely lacking in grain-fed meats.
There’s something to be said about slow and steady. It really does win the race, especially when it comes to nutrition.
Reason #2: Our farming practices are better for the animals.
It is said a picture is worth a thousand words, and this one is no exception. Factory Farms, mostly owned by multinational corporations, throughout the country shove chickens, cows, pigs, goats and more into concrete blocks to sit in their own feces where they are pumped with goodness knows what to fatten them up… all in the name of making a buck.
The regenerative farming practices incorporated into The R+R Farm Co-Op treat the animals with the dignity and respect they deserve by giving them room to roam as they were created to do. Many of the animals even become pets and are befriended by the farmers! As we believe you’ll soon agree, happier, stress-free animals produce tastier food.
Reason #3: Our farming practices are better for the environment too.
Regenerative farming practices incorporated into our Co-Op are better for the environment by limiting chemical run-off. When you don’t spray the produce with pesticides and other harmful chemicals, there’s no residue seeping into the soil, into the food, and into your body. Period. This also means it’s not floating into the air we breathe! As mentioned above, the care taken to bring the soil to its optimal state with the goal of leaving it better than it was found benefits the environment for generations to come.
Reason #4: You’re directly supporting the local economy by supporting local farmers.
You may be wondering why we need a farming cooperative when we've got supermarkets packed with produce and meat on every major corner, but did you know USDA stats show that farmers who sell through conventional grocery stores only receive 14% of the profit from their hard work? 14%!
“Sure, the local supermarket has tomatoes in February, but they’re not coming from anywhere within 5000 miles of where you’re sitting. People want what they want, but they don’t understand what it takes to get it,” laments Bob.
By equipping local farmers to bring their in-season bounty to your table via the Co-Op, you’re not only doing your part to improve the broken food system, you’re putting money right back into the local economy.
Reason #5: You’re supporting sustainable farming practices.
The focus on sustainability to accompany regenerative farming ensures the land is never worked beyond what it can healthfully produce. This gentler practice allows for generations to come to reap the benefits of the rich farmland… just as God intended! We are instructed to be stewards and shepherds of the land and animals we get to enjoy.
As poignantly stated by Annemarie Sullivan, owner of Sullifarm + Kitchen providing all pasture-raised pork to the Co-Op, “Remember, every time you eat a meal, you are either enforcing a positive or negative effect. Not just to your body, but to our animals, our communities, our future generations, our air, water, and soil.”
By joining The R+R Farm Co-Op, you can rest assured that while you might not be the one digging in the dirt, you’re enforcing the positive effect of the most sustainable farming practices in the industry.
Reason #6: Organically grown produce and pasture-raised meats & eggs are best.
In a world of marketing mumbo jumbo with virtually no regulation on what the creative team at AB&C Marketing Company throws on the package of hot dogs to make them sound like they’re straight from heaven, even the savviest of shoppers can be misguided. Further, the red-tape and expensive hoop jumping required to obtain a USDA Organic stamp would make your head spin.
Organically grown produce and pasture-raised meats are the terms colloquially used by regenerative farmers to describe the most nutrient-dense food for your health as well as the most humane and nurturing practices for the animals and for the land.
Bob sums it all up perfectly saying, “Come for the nutrition and flavor. Stay for the Farm Share increase!”
Ready to join The R+R Farm Co-Op? Let’s do it!
How It Works:
Step 1: An annual Co-Op Membership of $89 must be secured to join and order from the Co-Op (spots are limited - so don't delay). Memberships go toward supporting the farmer’s supplies, inclement weather issues, production as well as the operational costs to run The Co-Op. Note: Your Co-Op Membership does not include the cost of food you choose to order. Secure your Membership here.
Step 2: After a Membership is purchased, customers can shop produce, meats, eggs, and more provided by our local farmers during shopping windows open every other Friday thru Monday. Check out this calendar for ordering and pick-up dates.
Step 3: Customers will then pick up their conveniently bundled goods the Thursday following the order window at R+R 11am-5pm. Ordering opens March 21st-28th & first pickup is March 31st.
The following amazing farmers will be providing directly to your table:
Sunflower Farms provides all of the delicious pasture-raised, grass-fed beef.
Little Foot Farm provides free-range, organic, pasture-raised eggs to the Co-Op.
Sullifarm + Kitchen provides all of the pasture-raised pork products.
Hollow Trace Market Farm provides all of the organically grown produce, specialty herbs and canned goods sold.
Armagh Creamery provides all of the dairy products.
Icon Bread provides all of the sourdough bread to The R+R Farm Co-Op.
Prairie Oasis Farm provides the pasture-raised chicken and lamb to the R+R Farm Co-Op.
Head to therrfarmcoop.com to learn more about the Co-Op, our amazing farmers, available products and to join the Co-Op! Stay tuned for more from The R+R Farm Co-Op including recipes and pro-tips from our knowledgeable farmers.