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The best just got better … R+R offering DermaShape Services

Here’s the scoop …. Restore and Revive Wellness Center is now offering Dermashape Lymphatic Therapy to help your system drain unwanted fat! 

Do you feel like you do all the things - eat right, exercise, get good sleep, avoid toxins as best you can, manage your stress… and you still feel like something is missing to help you really look and feel your best? Dermashape just might be your missing link. 

Now, you may be wondering.. what IS Dermashape Lymphatic Therapy? Dermashape is an innovative device that uses heat and a vacuum suction massage to improve the appearance of the skin and ultimately enhance the body’s lymphatic system for the effective drainage of fat content. 

The treatment uses a holistic approach to stimulate and improve lymphatic drainage to drain excess fluid and toxins from the body by focusing on the actual breakdown of fat congestion through tissue manipulation. The released triglycerides of fat content are then transported by the lymphatic system to the liver to be metabolized. 

In addition to stimulating the lymphatic system to reduce congestion of fat content, Dermashape has been shown to stimulate the immune system, eliminate toxins, reduce water retention, enhance skin elasticity, relieve muscular pain, and more.

Wondering how long before your results will become visible? Results may vary, but in just one treatment, you FEEL a difference. In three to four treatments, you SEE a difference, and after the tenth, you will significantly have seen the change. 

Everything you need to know about Dermashape 


Approximately 45 minutes.


While results may vary, It takes one treatment to feel a difference, 3-4 treatments to see a visible difference, and 10 treatments to see a significant difference.


The liver processes the fat mobilized from the treatments. The only way congestion will return is if the habits that caused it in the first place are continued.


It is best to do the treatments two to three times a week until results are achieved. This will stimulate the lymphatic system and discourage the congestion from settling once it has been loosened up during the treatment. However, once a week is sufficient.


For your safety and the efficacy of the service, we ask that you be 2 years in remission of any cancer. Anyone with phlebitis, thrombosis or who is pregnant or breastfeeding should refrain from doing Dermashape. Though it is rarely the case, those with varicose veins too severe to work around should refrain as well. We will avoid treating any post-surgery incisions for 6 months to ensure adequate healing.


8 pack ($140/session)


4 pack ($157/session)


1 session (45 minutes)


To book a service or buy a DermaShape package, click here.

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Services Restore + Revive Wellness Center Services Restore + Revive Wellness Center

R+R is now offering two ways to boost your brain

We all feel it. The post-holiday whirlwind start to the new year. You’ve already been going 100 mph, and feel like you need to kick it into hyper-speed to get through the next few weeks. 

Good news ... NAD can help. 

What the heck is NAD? 

NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. It is found in all cells and is essential to living. NAD bathes the brain’s cells in nutrients, resulting in improved brain health and function. It’s basically the holy grail of brain function boosting. 

NAD is a naturally occurring molecule in your body. As we age, the amount of NAD we produce simply declines. Scientists have found an increase in NAD allows the body to essentially slow down time and function more optimally. 

This important molecule is involved in transferring energy from the foods we eat to vital cell functions. It has a unique ability to protect tissues, induce DNA repair, and increase life span. Additionally, it is necessary in the formation of ATP, the energy molecule of life.

How do I get it? 

Restore + Revive Wellness Center now offers two ways to boost your brain and protect your nervous system. 


Short on time but want the brain boosting benefits of NAD? Look no further than this quick vitamin shot to support cellular function, DNA reparative properties and more. 

Cost: $60 / shot (Not included in Happy Hour Pricing for Membership Pricing)

The Details: 100 mg / injection(1/2mL)


NAD is the holy grail of brain function boosting. The IV therapy option delivers the NAD  intravenously to promote higher cellular absorption. Though it takes longer than the shot (about 3-4 hours), we can promise some serious relaxation time while you rejuvenate your mind and body.  Like the shot, the NAD IV Therapy helps improve each cell's metabolic function, mitochondrial energy and DNA reparative properties. 

Cost: Member + Non-Member Price: $420 

The Details: Please note this drip takes 3-4 hours 

To book either of these services, visit Appointments are highly encouraged for all services to guarantee availability. Walk-ins are always welcome for shots. 

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Services Restore + Revive Wellness Center Services Restore + Revive Wellness Center

All About Ozone Therapy

Curious what Ozone is and what it can do for your health? Ozone is naturally occurring in the environment, but only at levels much higher in the atmosphere than earth level. This is because the O3 oxygen absorbs UV light and breaks down and recycles itself as it passes through the atmosphere. This naturally occurring state is recreated by taking a 100% oxygen tank through an ozone generator to bind with another molecule to make Ozone/O3.

What is Ozone?

To put it simply: Ozone is Oxygen. More specifically, naturally occurring oxygen is made of two molecules (O2) and ozone is made of three (O3). Ozone is naturally occurring in the environment, but only at levels much higher in the atmosphere than earth level. This is because the O3 oxygen absorbs UV light and breaks down and recycles itself as it passes through the atmosphere. This naturally occurring state is recreated by taking a 100% oxygen tank through an ozone generator to bind with another molecule to make Ozone/O3.

What does Oxygen do in the body?

The two main roles of oxygen in the body are as a signaling molecule and as an oxidizer. As a signaling molecule, oxygen helps tell our body how to respond to the environment both inside the body as well as outside the body. In this role, oxygen modulates the immune system and increases or decreases oxygen delivery to our cells. As an oxidizer, oxygen accepts electrons. There are so many chemical reactions within our body that rely on the transfer of electrons, the most important of which is the way our body uses oxygen to burn fuel for energy.

In addition to playing a vital role in balancing the body’s chemistry, our tissues, organs and cells all love (and thrive!) on oxygen. The crucial role of oxygen in our overall health led to the implementation of Ozone Therapy during WWI due to its antibacterial and health promoting properties. Ozone Therapy targets inflammation, assists in reduction of toxins in the body, promotes mitochondrial health, stimulates overall oxygenation, improves immune system function and more.

How does Ozone Therapy work?

At R+R, we offer two of the most effective ways to administer Ozone Therapy through Ozone IV as well as through nasal, ear, rectal and vaginal insufflations. When administered intravenously through Ozone IV, one of our highly trained RNs first draws a sample of your own blood, then ozonates it, and returns it intravenously. The oxygen attaches itself to our red blood cells and as blood circulates throughout the body, oxygen leaves your blood and moves into organs and tissues providing necessary fuel and healing promotion. In its 3 molecule state, oxygen is highly reactive and thus creates a therapeutic response in the body by both stimulating blood flow and by oxidizing harmful substances. By oxygenating the blood at this cellular level, the body receives the oxygen it craves to thrive in an incredibly specific and beneficial way.

Insufflation is a fancy word for putting ozone gas into a specific body cavity, which in this case means the ear, nose, rectum or vagina. When administered through ear and nose insufflations, the ozone is simply placed into your nose or ears through a needle-less syringe. With vaginal or rectal insufflations, one of our nurses will fill a syringe with ozone and attach a catheter. Detailed instruction will be given on proper administration. Lubricant and a private bathroom are provided.

What are the benefits of Ozone Therapy?

With Ozone IV, the full amount of ozone infusion enters the bloodstream to maximize availability to tissues. This is shown to increase oxygen utilization, decrease inflammation, destroy germs, improve mitochondrial function, help stimulate the immune system and more. When given intravenously, the Ozone Therapy is not affected by stomach or intestinal disease or malabsorption. It is systemic and can be viewed as a special type of immunotherapy. With insufflations, the localized therapy allows the ozone to target a specific tissue directly, and it is non-invasive.

Who should do an Ozone IV?

Ozone IV therapy is great for anyone with circulatory conditions, viral/bacterial infections (Lyme, Epstein Barr, etc.), autoimmunity and/or inflammation, respiratory issues, joint pain, anti-aging needs, or anyone suffering from heavy metal toxicity and/or mold toxicity.

Who should do Ear Insufflations?

Ear insufflations are great for anyone suffering from ear infections, sinus infections, brain fog, tinnitus, vertigo, ear pain, disease or tumors in head or neck.

Who should do Nose Insufflations?

Nose insufflations are great for anyone suffering from nasal infection, allergies, eye infections or symptoms related to inflammation, or brain fog.

Who should do rectal insufflations?

Rectal ozone can be used for virtually any condition, chronic or acute disease. It is the second best way to receive ozone systemically, after IV therapy. Indications for rectal insufflation include tumors, inflammation to any nearby tissues, parasites, maintenance therapy for chronic inflammatory disease, and for those who have too poor vein access to receive Ozone IV. 

Who should do vaginal insufflations?

Vaginal ozone is a great way to administer ozone to a localized area. Indications for vaginal ozone include lymphatic detox, vaginosis, yeast infections, inflammation to local tissues, tumors, reproductive organ disease, UTIs, and postpartum healing. 

Ready to get started?

Click here to book your first Ozone IV or an Ear/Nose Insufflation! In order to maximize your Ozone experience, we always recommend arriving fully hydrated and well-rested. To further the circulatory and detoxification process, we encourage you to consider a detox foot soak or an infrared sauna afterward to further the benefits.

Be sure to check out our list of FAQs on this page, and do not hesitate to reach out to us with any unaddressed questions!

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